Here are a few popular visitor tracker websites:
These provide a reliable site stats traffic counter service with web analytics. those are
Invisible Counter Option, Configurable Counter, Configurable Summary Stats, Magnify User, Drill Down, Popular Pages, Entry Pages, Exit Pages, Came From, Keyword Analysis, Recent Keyword Activity, Search Engine Wars, Visitor Paths, Visit Length, Returning Visits, Recent Pageload Activity, Recent Visitor Activity, Country/State/City Stats, Recent Visitor Google Map, ISP Stats, Browser Stats, O.S. Stats, Resolution Stats, JavaScript Stats, Email Reports, Multiple Site Management, User Access Management, Public Stats, Blocking Cookie
How to get started:
1. Create an account
2. Copy the code given by them and Paste it in your site
3. View your web stats reports
if you are using blog go to layouts tab and add gadget html/javascript and paste the code given by site.
2.Sitemeter (
3.Activemeter (
4.Histats (
5.Whatcounter (
6.Shinystat (
7.Hitslog (
8.Addfreestats (
9.Ezwebstat (
10.Advancedsitestats (
I hope these are helpful to u.